08. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Eight.
Posted: May 16, 2022
08. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Eight. This class includes 1) A bit of a review of the previous class 2) Two Introductions: A. Rav (Aisav) vs. Kol (Ya’akov); תערובת מול התכללות, when Moshiach comes there will be unity by Goyim, בכל גויים ישועתיך the word בכל connotes that. The idea of this unity is that there are distinct components (nations) that are each different and independent within themselves, that from thatr place of health integrate with other nations. B. The three words that denote Goyim in this Perek לאומים and גויים and עמים are explored: לאומים is where Kedusha gives life to Klipa (לבונה זכה) and גויים are the form of the (10 Sfiros of the) Klipa itself; and עמים is either lower than both of those (עם like עוממות the idea of חלבנה) or higher than both of those (עם like עמו).
08. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Eight.