10. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Ten. This class began with a short review: 1) This Perek is a Psalm of Goyim after Moshiach comes, seeing God in the every day; 2) which is why this Perek only has שם אלוקים; 3) First he sees the reward of Yidden for staying loyal to HIM for all these years and their reward. This is finalized with the recognition יודוך עמים וגו’ יודוך עמים כולם. 4) Then [we began reading inside Possuk 5, where] the Perek turns to Goyim seeing the fairness in his judgement to all mankind כי תשפוט עמים מישור and the praise he gives for this. 5) We discussed at length judgement and it’s drawbacks and the idea of ועשית הישר והטוב (which includes פשרה and לפנים משורת הדין and כופין על מדת סדום) as part of Judgement (even of non-Jews). 6) The three names לאומים (the point of meeting between Kedusha and Goyim) and גויים (the form and personality of each nation, like the 10 Sefiros) and עמים (lower than Goyim, מלשון עוממות, perhaps like Amalaik; and higher than all levels מלשון עמו וקרוב אליו) are revisited briefly. 7) The second half of the Possuk is about Schar and eternity for Goyim who keep the 7 Mitzvos of Noach ולאומים בארץ תנחם סלה. 8) And then the Perek repeats again the acknowledgement יודוך עמים אלוקים יודוך עמים כולם as explained at length last week.