
Nasso Overview of the Parsha (5771).This year Nasso is also before Shavuos. The Mitzvos of this week. Sending off the spiritually unclean is also a benefit for them. Sota and Nazir in our relationship with Hashem (and more).

(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) Yeshiva 5781/ 2021.Parshas Nasso continues the count of the Leviim.Perhaps it is the fact that Bamidbar is (usually) before Mattan Torah, when WHO YOU WERE was more important that WHAT YOU DID; and Nasso is after Mattan Torah, when WHAT YOU DO is more...

Nasso 050 07, Vidui, the greatest act (Yeshiva 5780)Confession, The power and meaning of being able to say “I was wrong”Yehuda (and Kain) and how much the ability to confess got him.Shavuos is called Rosh Hashana so there’s a great Hashgacha in the Mitzvah of Vidui being here.

Nasso 05- 11-31 Parshas SotaThis class overviews the idea and the dinim of a Sota, and emphasizes what it means in Avoda.1) A Sota is spelled in RaMbaM שוטה meaning folly.2) Three levels of this Shtus:A. against the nature of the Animal Soul (Tanya Chapter 8 (12)).B. Against the ‘Intellectual Soul’ (Kuntres Uma’ayan).C. against nature...

Nasso 06-02. Parshas Nazir (5765).

Nasso 06-01-21 Nazir follows Sota (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).After Sota comes Nazir to teach us the lesson of נדרים סיג לפרישות when one is spiritually vulnerable it helps to make a fence in the form of a vow for spiritual self-preservation.But higher than making the vow is USING the material world’s bounty, including wine....

Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766) in 3 classes.

Nasso 07-09, Masa HaAron BiKasef (5770).The holy Aron must be carried on people’s shoulders.

Nasso 2009 – 07-48. The seventh Nasi was on Shabbos! (5769).How did the Nasi of Shevet Efrayim bring a korban on Shabbos? Sources: Chizkuni, Even Ezra, Midrashim, Sicha Vol. 23, 42ff

Nasso 07:10- 83. The intentions of each of the 1 Nesiim. The מדרש רבה explains why the פרשת הנשיאים is repeated 12 time sin all it’s detail. It explains that each brought the Korbanos for another reason, and explains each of the 12 and their Kavana.We hope to explore this here (over the next few...