
The Three Weeks always carries us from Matos/Masei into Devarim. Rabbi Paltiel explores the connection between beginning Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) and the practice of taking on chumrahs (stringencies) in the observance of Halacha (Jewish Law). How do chumrahs bring more light into Jewish life? Plus a discussion of the war with Midyan.

This installment in the First Pasuk Series examines the question of why the halachos of nedarim (laws of vows) are presented so late in the Chumash. Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Rashbam, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a 4 excerpts from the Parshas Masei sections of the Hemshech Te’Rav.

Matos 31-26. The Malkoach. (5770).Hashem not only instructs how to collect and to divide the spoils, but teaches how much to tax, and ennumerates the actual taxing. Why?!

Matos 32-01. Umikne Rav (5769).Reuvain and Gad (and half Menashe) stay east of the Jordan River. Moshe initially is upset, but later acquiesces. These tribes were exiled first. What’s the depth of this story?

– Define, Recognize, and Stop Senseless Hatred