
Parshas Shoftim, A study in Leadership. This class overviews the Parsha and enlightens the idea of leadership, as represented by the four most basic form of leadership: 1) Judges and a court system 2) Kings and their immense power according to Torah 3) Prophets and the illusive nature of their integrity 4) Generals, armies are...

Shoftim 16-18 (5767/ 2007) – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk SeriesShoftim installment of First Pasuk in the Parsha series

Shoftim 18-13 (5767/ 2007) – Whole, Sincere, and SimpleThis class for Parshas Shoftim analyzes the Possuk, “Tamim tihye Hashem Elokecha” and brings home the point that a Jew should rely on Hashem plain and simple. Sources include RaShI, Even Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Alshich, Shach, Likutei Torah and a Ma’amar (5672). Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash...

Shoftim: 18, 6-8 MishmarosThe Torah is fixed and unchanging, but some things didn’t begin right away they took time to develop and achieve a permanence and when that time came their permanence was like all other ideas in Torah that they never change.One of those things are the Mishmaros: the division of Kohanim into 24...