
Parshas Ki Tavo (5779/ 2019) The land of Eretz Yisroel makes Mitzvos complete, as seen in the Mitzvos of Bikurim and Vidui Maaser.

This class discusses the mitzva of bikurim in detail. Sources include: Rashi, Taz (with commentary from a sicha the Lubavitcher Rebbe), E. Ezra, Tur, Alshich, Rachav, a ma’amar from 5745.

Now that the mitzvos have been presented it is time to focus on doing them. This concept is discussed and then goes on to focus on “He’emarcha…he’eamircha”. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Gemara, Rosh, Alshich, ma’amar, sicha (references to follow).

The Bracha in What is Hidden

Ki Savo 28-69, Tochacha is called “Bris” (covenant) (5780/ 2020)There are 2 instances of “Tochecha” – rebuke (threats/promise) – in the Chumash.  1. Bechukosai – 49 klalos2. Ki Savo – 98 klalosThe Tochacha, which is a most severe section in the Torah (which could be called “threats” rather than rebuke or correction) is called a...

Ki Savo 29:01 –03, A Heart that Knows, Eyes that see and Ears that Hear; Two Versions (Yeshiva Achei Temimim; Chabad of the Five Towns).