
Parshas Nitzovim- Vayelech (5780/ 2020) How many times is Moshe going to warn us?This class presents and analyzes Moshe’s (i.e. the Torah’s) prophecy that is repeated SIX TIMES!!! and in hindsight has clearly been revealed in the painful and miraculous story of Jewish history.  The prophecy says in various ways between Parshios Vaeschanan, Nitzavim, Vayelech...

Vayelech 31, 07 [23] Yehoshua was a one man show (in leadership)Moshe suggests that Yehoshua will have the Elders support and assistance, but God says דבר אחד לדור ולא שני דברים לדור Yehoshua does everything alone or the generation will have two leaders (Yehoshua and Moshe (!!)). This class is based on some Rishonim and...

The Mitzva of Hakheil (part one. Part two was never given).

The new “song” Jews must write refers to what? The whole Torah or Haazinu.