
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 161 ff – It’s rebellious against Hashem to believe the spies; their ‘Shadow’ has been lifted two interpretations interpreted; Class One.This class is on the P’shat of the RaShI to Possuk (Shlach 14, 09) Don’t rebel against Hashem.1) If you won’t rebel against God automatically you will not fear...

Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 161 ff – It’s rebellious against Hashem to believe the spies; their ‘Shadow’ has been lifted two interpretations interpreted; Class Two.This class is ‘The Chassidus’ on the RaShI about the two interpretations of סר צילם מעליהם (their shadow -of Kena’an- has been lifted).1) The Shadow of God has been...