
47a. Ani Lidodi 5736 (2nd Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 2nd part of Hemshech]) Class One.

47a. Ani Lidodi 5736 (2nd Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 2nd part of Hemshech]) Class One.
This LONG class explains the Teshuva in Elul and actually calls it Teshuva Ila’a. [I suggested that this is like the higher part of the lower Teshuva, which is done with Joy].
Teshuva means returning to Hashem ירידה צורך עלי’ה (after the Birur). The Teshuva doesn’t begin until you fall to the lowest level of Yerida (decent) which is Elul (not 15 Menachem or the like).
The Rebbe wonders if the Neshama is rooted in Atzmus, how can it possibly have an Aliya, and he explains that it is due to the Yerida.
[This idea isn’t entirely clear and we suggested to see the points made in 5738 (Breishis, 19 Kislev (?)) about Koach and Poel]
The Rebbe further explains that to sustain and complete Teshuva you need (after the Teshuva) Torah Mitzvos and Tefilla.
This need for Torah (Mitzvos and Tefilla) in Elul is derived from the Rebbe’s commenting on the LiDovid Hashem Ori which we begin saying the (very) first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul.
This I think answers the question left over from the e3nd of the last Ma’amar.

47a. Ani Lidodi 5736 (2nd Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 2nd part of Hemshech]) Class One.

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