43b. Mashcheini (18 Elul) 5735, Class Two. This class underscores the difference in how the Possuk Mashcheini is applied to Nissan and how it is applies to Elul-Tishrei, in the former they follow Him because He reveals Himself to them, and in the latter they chase Him because He hides. This is the אחריך נרוצה in Elul-Tishrei which is based on His hiding from us. [The question is only how we understand the משכיני; the Midrashim (the ones the Rebbe cites) see it as the concealment; but in the Rebbe’s words he sees it as the revelation of Rosh Chodesh Elul]. The Rebbe explains with two Toros: The first is from the Ba’al Shem Tov on the Possuk עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה אושעה that from the Tzara (suffering, narrowness) itself comes the salvation through בא אל התיבה entering into the words of Davening and Learning Torah, doing it passionately (מיט א חיות) we transform צרה to צהר (a window for light, or -even more so- the radiant stone that shines by itself). He parallels this with a Midrash that explains משכיני this way, when He hides we mourn and insist on correcting our relationship with Him, we chase after Him. The second is from the holy Maggid who presents the parable of the father whose son is being silly. The Father draws away from silliness to maturity through two actions 1) He shows Himself to the child as he is acting childishly (משכני) 2) as soon as he has the son’s attention He hides and has the chase Him, securing a lasting involvement in higher things (אחריך נרוצה). This is linked to the prophecy of Yechezkel ‘on the River Kvar’ (outside Eretz Yisroel; inspired by the ‘past’- our oneness with Him before we were born). He speaks of Adam HaElyon- Hashem limits Himself for us to have a relationship with Him in Galus; but then He withdraws so we seek Him. This second step is our reaction to the Tzimtzum of the Divine presence in Galus and explains the idea that Teshuva is special to Galus. This is how the אחריך נרוצה of Galus (Tishrei) brings us higher than in Zman HaBayis (Nissan, Tzadik).