
44a. Sos Asis 5735 Class One.

44a. Sos Asis 5735 Class One.
This class explains all the words in the first Possuk, as it is a segue to Tishrei, Godliness higher than Hishtalshelus reaches us and inspires the Avoda of the Yamim Noraim and Sukos and Simchas Torah.
שוש אשיש בוהי’ה the revealed Joy of Simchas Torah expresses the Divine delight (תענוג) which is the source of the Joy, and empowers the higher Avoda of this time of year.
תגל נפשי באלוקי this joy really already exists in the 10 days of Teshuva but it is quieted and controlled by the יראה during this time.
כי הלבשני בגדי ישע includes Hashem giving us Koach from the highest levels to bring this joy down to the very lowest levels. This includes two meanings of (שוש אשיש as well as two meanings of) ישועה.
מעיל צדקה יעטני of all Mitzvos Tzedaka reaches the lowest and brings reward even now (even according to the opinion שכר מצוה בהאי עלמא ליכא) so Tzedaka (among all Mitzvos) carries and conducts the Joy and gladness delivered to us through the בגדי ישע.
כחתן יכהן פאר וככלה תעדה כלי’ה Torah and Mitzvos are חתן וכלה; the accompanying כ prefatory (כחתן… ככלה…) means that we’re dealing with Teshuva which enhances the vessel Torah and Mitzvos make for the delight and the Joy.

44a. Sos Asis 5735 Class One.

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