Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 177 ff – Prophecy, Moshe’s Prophecy and Torah, Class One.1) Prophecy is a Mitzvah.2) It’s credibility is based on us seeing Hashem speak to Moshe directly.3) This adds in our appreciation for the credibility of Torah.4) In one aspect Nevuas Moshes is advantageous to Toras Moshe, the inspiration aspect.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 177 ff – Prophecy, Moshe’s Prophecy and Torah, Class Two.This class has a great review and overview of the basic steps (in Halacha) of the credibility (why and when we believe) of Prophecy and Prophets. This class is on the beginning and the end of this Sicha. It includes...
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