02. Shuva Yisroel 5736, Class One.This class addresses one big point in the Ma’amar: why would a sinner be called Yisroel, which is a higher denotation of the Jew?Answer: the POWER for the Teshuva must come from the highest levels in the Neshama to allow for a leap of Teshuva, thus the name Yisroel.
02. Shuva Yisroel 5736, Class Two.After the pervious class explained why Teshuva MUST come form the level of Yisroel, this class then explains many details in the sequence of the Pesukim that follow:1) כי כשלת בעוניך- even though we only stumbled, we must do Teshuva never the less, because the higher someone is, the more...
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