03a. BaSukos Tashvu 5736, Class One. 1) Bringing the Makif (infinity) of Sukkah; which comes from the Makif (the infinites) of the 100 sounds of the Shofar on Rosh Hashana, and the ‘cloud’ of the Ketores’ smoke on Yom Kippur, that then becomes the Makif of the Schach, into Pnimiyus, internalizing it. 2) The Ezroch, which will be when Moshiach comes empowers this, because the future affects the present also. 3) The key is Da’as, and I explained 3 different ideas of Da’as (ועצ”ע אם לא שגיתי, ואם שגיתי השם הטוב יכפר בעדי).