03. Ki Chelek Hashem Amo 5735 Four steps of the Neshama are described here (in order): 1) כי חלק הוי’ עמו- as the Neshama is a ‘Part’ of Godliness, where a part is the entirety, as an ‘Essence’ when holding a portion of it is holding all of it. 2) יעקב חבל נחלתו- the Neshama comes into the word, where parts of it can be compromised, but it is still Godly, and connected (as the end of the rope is connected to the beginning) and is an inheritance to each of us. 3) ימצאהו בארץ מדבר- the body has no life and support for the Neshama, but (at least) it won’t hurt it. 4) ובתוהו יליל ישמון- the world will hurt the Neshama. The Neshama goes through all this for the sake of the ירידה צורך עלי’ה, it rises even higher than it’s original source. This is supported by the יסובבנהו the ‘Makif’ which is above Hishtalshelus (it’s source כי חלק הוי’ עמו) guards her, as the Siddur explains the ואתה משמרה בקרבי. And is achieved by the יבוננהו- making Him a home the Teshuva work, which requires effort (like striking a flint stone -צור- to extract fire. This raises the Neshama to the level of הוי’ בדד ינחנו ואין עמו אל נכר.