05. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 -after Sukkos- (2022)), Class Five. Here we begin the ‘re-review’ of רבי ישמעאל as it is enlightened in Kabbalah (in the Sefer תולעת יעקב from ר’ מאיר בן גבאי) some time was dedicated to explain who he was and what is his role in the Kabbalah found in Chabad Chassidus. We explained the first two מדות: 1) מקל וחומר– we cannot know God, so we know what is ‘lighter’ than Him (His creation or His light) and this gives us a little more insight into the חומר- He Himself. 2) מגזירה שוא– in His relationship with the world, His connections a re absolute, and as such every גזירה (decree) is equally serious…