11. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Eleven.
Posted: November 9, 2022
11. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Eleven. Perek 3. This class is the beginning of the answer of how a human being in a physical body can aligned and ONE with Adam HaElyon, Ein Sof. Godliness has two forms: Meod (מאד) and Adam (אדם). The former is Godly because it is infinite and plain; the latter is Godliness, though it is finite and made up of parts. The infinity of Adam (HaElyon) is due to the order between the components that (can) add up to infinity.
11. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Eleven.