Tanya Chapter 23, Class 2 (172). The ideas of פנימיות הרצון (Primary Will) and חיצוניות הרצון (Secondary Will) are discussed here. There are many many חיצוניות הרצון bur (really) only ONE פנימיות הרצון. Torah and Mitzvos are His פנימיות רצון העליון וחפצו האמיתי, what He ‘really’ wants, and are therefore the basis (the ‘life’) for all secondary ‘wills’. Accordingly the Alter Rebbe explains the nature of the relationship between God and His Primary Will vs. His secondary ‘wills’. The relationship between the body and the soul (לבוש המיוחד), vs. the clothing one wears and his body (לבוש הנפרד).