
08a. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class One.

08a. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class One.
This class encompasses most of this (deceptively) short (3 page) Ma’amar.
We It continues and adds to the discussion of the previous Ma’amar, enhancing further how this Possuk (ןאברהם זקן בא בימים וה’ ברך את אברהם בכל) reflects Avraham’s continuing growth in Avodas Hashem.
He reached not only העלם שישנו במציאות of Sechel, but ‘בכל’ which means the level of העלם שאינו במציאות (referred to in this Ma’amar repeatedly as העלם העצמי which needs more of our attention).
What this class adds, is the Midrash that proclaims that Avraham had a daughter whose name (may have been) בכל.
In THIS class she represents the Avoda of Avraham Avinu, to serve Hashem with Bittul and overcome his tests (נסיונות) if and when Hashem brings them his way.
The Rebbe further explains that the notion of Avraham’s daughter having a name (בכל) is consistent with Gemara that says that the Avos merited to have Olom Habba during their physical lifetimes; this is evident from the fact that the כח נעלם represented by בת has a name, which means that it is revealed.

08a. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class One.

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