08b. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class Two.
Posted: November 25, 2022
08b. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class Two. This shorter class on the 2nd (of 2) Ma’amarim ViAvraham Zakain (5735) addresses the question and argument that Avraham (and the Avos) [even] engaged in “Yichudim” (mystically affecting the world and not only perfecting themselves. This notion results in us having three layers to the ideas of this Possuk ViAvraham Zakain. The basic idea is that Avraham worked incredibly hard and merited to reach very deep and high levels of Chochma (and bring them down). Level One (the first Ma’amar ViAvraham Zakain): he used his mind to understand Elokus and reached and revealed העלם שאינו במציאות of שכל. Level Two (this Ma’amar): the means of his Avoda (work) was the idea of בת הי’ לו אברהם אבינו which means that his work involved Bittul and Kabbalas Ol, which (perhaps) reached (even deeper) not only the העלם העצמי of חכמה (called העלם שאינו במציאות or כחות עצמיים) but the העלם העצמי of the Neshama itself (יכולת -?-). Level Three (this class): that his Avoda was not only about self-perfection, but that he did (spiritual) Yichudim in this world (?) using בת הי’ לו לאברהם אבינו ובכל שמה and affected the world as well (as himself). This third idea is connected to the Tzemach Tzedek resolving an ‘uncertainty’ in the Kisvei HaAriZaL about this question.
08b. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series)); Class Two.