13a. VaEira 5735, (unedited version) Class One. This Ma’amar opens and closes with a discussion on שם שד”י (two levels) and how even the higher one is less than שם הוי’ה and the connection between שם הוי’ה and Yetzias Mitzrayim. But in the middle the Rebbe explores a well-known debate between the חוקרים (philosophers) and the מקובלים (mystics) about the question of Divine revelation and the manifesting of God(liness) in the Beis HaMikdash. He reconciles the two by arguing that this is not a debate between philosophy and mysticism, but it is two opinions in mysticism itself: whether Hashem’s presence is בדרך מעבר (not -so- obvious) or בדרך התלבשות (very obvious). We spent an enormous amount of time explaining this, first explaining the argument how it is understood classically and then how the Rabbeim refine it to create unity between these two schools of thought.