
16. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Sixteen.Purpose of Creation (beginning).1) Revealing Ein Sof in the world through Torah and Mitzvos2) Joining Sovev and Memalei3) Leshaim yichud Kudsha Brich Hu UShechintei4) Revealing Atzmus…

17. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Seventeen.In discussing the idea of (the purpose of Creation being to) bringing Divine Light down, he mentions the Midrash about Dira BiTachtonim.We explored the four key words in this phrase and what each one means. נתאוה- A desire that is by definition beyond reason....

18. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Eighteen.In this class, the עמק המלך’s form for describing דירה בתחתונים and bringing Godliness into the world through Torah and Mitzvos.He says so much, so in this class we read the entire text and then began exploring.There cannot be Tzimtzum HaRishon with Makom (space)...

19. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Nineteen.This class continues the analysis of the עמק המלך’s words. 1) Above the Ratzon (not only in Atzmus but in Ohr) there is no Makom so there cannot be a concept of Tzimtzum!!! (see Sha’ar HaYichud VihaEmuna Perek 7 (83b at the top)).2) The...

20. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty.The first Tzimtzum ‘evacuates’ everything that is ‘Ohr’ (light), but the source of the Keilim (vessels) are left over; but they must be created as real entities, and for this Ohr (Kav) is needed to prod them into being.

21. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty One.Continued, affect of first Tzimtzum.Tzimtzum’s affect on Ohr continued. It separates the (so called) חיצוניות האור from the פנימיות האור; the Pnimiyus becomes עיגול hidden, which we call נגע בו הצמצום (touched by the Tzimtzum).The חיצוניות האור is actually changed by the Tzimtzum...

22. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Two.The other side of the coin of Tzimtzum, which has changed the Ohr of the Kav altogether, to be a different מהות; as it says האי חוטא יקירא קדישא דאקרי מזלא, now it is יושר; still it is אור and אין סוף and...

23. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Three.1) What changes from before the Tzimtzum to after the Tzimtzum (though before the Tzimtzum there is already כח הגבול and כח הבלי גבול the source for light and vessels) is the separation of the Light from the Vessels at the point of...

24. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Four.Initially, the worlds would not (be able to) hold the Ein Sof pre-Tzimtzum, (only the Kav) but through Avoda more (and then all) can be revealed in the מקום החלל.Example: the process of the teacher teaching the student, in the beginning he gives...

25. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Five.The Mashal of Rav ViTalmid (teacher and student) is revisited.

26. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Six.More on Rav ViTalmid and how this applies to revealing all of Ein Sof in מקום החלל.

27. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Seven.The second idea of reversing the Tzimtzum through Avoda etc. (and creating a ‘Dira BiTachtonim’) is that we reveal an even higher light than was ever present in the מקום החלל the “SPACE” of the creation.