13a. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5. Class One.
Posted: January 23, 2023
13a. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5. Class One. This edited Ma’amar develops the ideas of the Divine names שד”י and הוי’ה; explaining that there are two (requisite) levels in שד”י the first is שאמר לעולמו די (Hashem’s used it to contain the creation), and the second is שדי באלקותי לכל ברי’ה (there’s enough in Godliness to provide sufficiency to the highest worlds and the lowest worlds). At creation there was the שד”י which is about limitation; the Godliness of this level was known to Avos, who experienced it’s Godliness from (a relatively) early age. [It represents nature]. The higher שד”י was revealed to Avraham FROM ABOVE when he made his Bris. [It represents miracles contained within nature]. The Ma’amar then explains that the Avos ‘only’ had שד”י and הוי’ה was given only to Moshe and Yidden getting the Torah, as it represents Godliness that is altogether above worldliness. הוי’ה is represented by miracles that defy and break nature. But even this הוי’ה is ‘only’ מדת האמת (Truth that is measured) and Liasid אמת with no measure and limit will be revealed.
13a. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5. Class One.