01. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Achei Temimim Lubavitch1) The Nesiyus started as soon as the Rebbe RaYaTz passed away.2) It is complete when he says Chassidus3) People’s objections complicated the process, but added the quality as per the Gemara אין מושחין מלך בן מלך… אלא מפני המחלוקת; and שטר שיצא עליו ערעור ונתקיים בחותמיו that...
02a. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part One.Introduction: great holy and fortunate day: the Rebbe becomes Rebbe.
02b. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part Two.Basi Legani.1) 100 years since it’s first writing and reciting.2) Building Hashem a home.3) It’s done by the Tzivos Hashem4) מלחמת נצחון the King splurges his treasure; he engages in the tactics himself; he throws his own life away. 5) אין סוף למילה עד אין...
02c. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part Three.Short, introduction to Anim Zemiros.
02d. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part Four.Chinuch what the Rabbeim gave their lives for.We must RAISE our children.
02e. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part Five.1) Joy אז ימלא שחוק פינו.2) Moshiach: just having the strength (the will) to do what we already (really) want to do.
03. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Machon LiYahadus.1) The Rebbe’s extra sense: his incredible Soul. 2) Three stories: A. מנחם בהוה מנחם בעתיד (the Alter Rebbe predicts a “Menachem in the future”); B. ודור רביעי ישובו הנה (The Tzemach Tzedek predicts that Reb Boruch Shalom would get a double portion of leadership if he waits four...
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