01. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Achei Temimim Lubavitch 1) The Nesiyus started as soon as the Rebbe RaYaTz passed away. 2) It is complete when he says Chassidus 3) People’s objections complicated the process, but added the quality as per the Gemara אין מושחין מלך בן מלך… אלא מפני המחלוקת; and שטר שיצא עליו ערעור ונתקיים בחותמיו that there is then an advantage. 4) So holy a man and people including very young kids loved him. 5) Like RaShBI who has an appeal to all notwithstanding his holiness. 6) Everyone feels connected to him, no matter what level they are on.