03. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Machon LiYahadus. 1) The Rebbe’s extra sense: his incredible Soul. 2) Three stories: A. מנחם בהוה מנחם בעתיד (the Alter Rebbe predicts a “Menachem in the future”); B. ודור רביעי ישובו הנה (The Tzemach Tzedek predicts that Reb Boruch Shalom would get a double portion of leadership if he waits four generations); C. תנאי להשידך: א’- חסידים וועלן אליין פארשטיין; ב’- ביי אונז א ווארט איז א ווארט (The Previous Rebbe agrees that our Rebbe will succeed him, but he rfuses to put it in writing). 3) I didn’t hear it from my Father in Law; the idea of Hiskashrus, to the Rebbe all that matters is what the previous Rebbe will tell him. 4) Learning to be a Chossid; it’s a personal and intimate relationship.