01. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714, Class One.This class includes:1) a short mention of Yud Shvat, as the class was recorded in the winter.2) an introduction about light and the light of darkness. 3) reading and explaining the beginning and the end of this Ma’amar. The shadow of the Sukkos reveals (makes available) Atzmus. The...
02. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714, Class Two.1) This class has an introduction about the three levels of אור אין סוף (listed on the first page of the first Ma’amar of the Rebbe): A. גילוי, B. העלם, C. העלם מצד עצמו; D. [perhaps a fourth level] העלם העצמי; we touch on the differences between עצם...
03. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714, Class Three.This (third) class on the Ma’amar explores how the Ketores of Yom Kippur reached מקיף הרחוק as a prelude to explaining how this then (later) plays out in the Schach of the Sukkah (on Sukkos), which is also the idea of revealing the מקיף הרחוק.He does this by...
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