
03. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714, Class Three.

03. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714, Class Three.
This (third) class on the Ma’amar explores how the Ketores of Yom Kippur reached מקיף הרחוק as a prelude to explaining how this then (later) plays out in the Schach of the Sukkah (on Sukkos), which is also the idea of revealing the מקיף הרחוק.
He does this by explaining the link between Ketores and the number 11, as apposed to 10. 10 is Kedusha, 11 is Klipa, or Kedusha OF מקיף הרחוק; burning the Ketores, reverses it from being severe Klipa to this lofty Kedusha by removing the moisture (life כמו גילויים) and what is left is ‘darkness’ or מקיף הרחוק. He links this to an unusual (use of the idea of) אתכפיא, which is understood (here) to mean removing all Giluyim to allow Atzmus to emerge. [So, this אתכפיא being above אתהפכא is rather reasonable].
He links this Teshuva and זדונות נעשית לו כזכיות that in THIS MA’AMAR means removing whatever Ohr there is in the sin, so that what is left is darkness itself, which is linked to Atzmus.

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