
2a. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class One.Perek 4-6.This class is the center of the Ma’amar. The Rebbe addresses the three ideas of בת אחות אם (daughter, sister, mother) that in Kabbalah are Malchus, Z”A, Bina. He connects the three to Pesach (בת- we only take), Shavuos (אחות- where the relationship is two ways:...

22b. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class Two.Perek 2-3; 7.This class addresses the juxtaposition of Tishrei (creation, nature and Teshuva, from the bottom up) and Nissan (Torah and the super natural, and the power to do Teshuva infinitely that comes from Him.He brings the famous arguments between רבי אליעזר and רבי יהושע who speak...

22c. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class Three.This class includes the (very) beginning and the (very) end of the Ma’amar. Here the Rebbe juxtaposes החדש הזה לכם (which is connected to Torah and revealed Godliness) and בראשית ברא אלוקים (creation);Specifically בראשית is further removed from ניסן than תשרי is, because בראשית is the 25th...