22c. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class Three.
Posted: March 22, 2023
22c. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class Three. This class includes the (very) beginning and the (very) end of the Ma’amar. Here the Rebbe juxtaposes החדש הזה לכם (which is connected to Torah and revealed Godliness) and בראשית ברא אלוקים (creation); Specifically בראשית is further removed from ניסן than תשרי is, because בראשית is the 25th of Elul, which is more “world”, even than Rosh Hashana (1 Tishrei). The intent is to reveal Nissan (Godliness) IN the world and to accomplish this, He initially makes the world separate from Godliness, and the Godliness is added TO THE world.
22c. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class Three.