
24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).

24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).
The Rebbe said 2 Ma’amarim (one on Shabbos 10 Nissan, and one on Sunday 11 Nissan) with the same title (דיבור המתחיל), and the same basic design. This is the second of these two.
The key idea in (both) these Ma’amarim is that בנך means the son on the lowest level.
In this Ma’amar it means the בן שאינו יודע לשאול (the son who knows not how to ask) who is not as low as the Rasha in terms of worlds (Asiya vs Yetzirah -?-) but he is the lowest in terms of his potential (?).
The Rebbe explains (in THIS Ma’amar) at length that the exodus from Egypt as well as from this, last and final, Galus are unique that once you leave you never return, so the need to lift from the bottom is tantamount.
Talking to lowest son lifts up from the bottom, and benefits the highest son (the בן יכם) as well.
The Rebbe explains the complexity of the wise son’s understanding and his questions, which revolve around the need to emphasize physical Mitzvos, and he -too- needs to hear that to get out of a Galus as low as Egypt requires a power from Atzmus which is linked specifically to action.
He connects it to his Kapital that year (תשל”ה- פרק ע”ד) the Possuk ואלוקים מלכי מקדם פועל ישועות בקרב הארץ only the highest source can descend so low and correct even this Galus.
In conclusion the Rebbe (answers all his questions and) explains the entire Possuk:
והגדת You must speak (as explained at length in the beginning of the previous Ma’amar).
לבנך the son who doesn’t even ask, you speak (not to him also. but) to him especially.
ביום ההוא [לאמור] on the day defined by darkness; that even the deepest darkness, (which is so dark that you may not even see it’s darkness), receives light and redemption.
בעבור זה the need for PHYSICAL Matzah and Maror is because only they can reveal Atzmus and defeat (even) this darkness.
[עשה הוי] לי and when the power from so high a place it’s affect is everlasting and unchanging.
בצאתי ממצרים leaving all limitations; this is the end of the Possuk, because only the physical Mitzvos facilitate this.

24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).
24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).

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