25a. Kimei Tzaischa 5735 (1st of Hemshech in three parts), Class One.
Posted: April 17, 2023
25a. Kimei Tzaischa 5735 (1st of Hemshech in three parts), Class One. This class opens the entire Hemshech (of three Ma’amarim to follow). We introduced the three reasons the Torah so consistently links Yetzias Mitzrayim to the final Geula: 1) The first opens the gate to all that follows (פתיחת הצינור) 2) The principle of causality: the Cause (Yetzias Mitzrayim) must be stronger than the affect (final Geula) 3) Just as there’s really only ONE giving of the Torah (כמאמר מתן תורה לא יהי’ עוד הפעם), similarly the other issues happened only OPNCE and they simply continue when Moshiach comes, the Geula, the Bekiah (and the entry into Eretz Yisroel). The class was on the very beginning and the very end of the Ma’amar, explaining the parallels between יציאת מצרים and כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות the final Geula and splitting of the River which will happen then.
25a. Kimei Tzaischa 5735 (1st of Hemshech in three parts), Class One.