26a. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5735 (2nd of Hemshech in three parts), Class One.
Posted: April 25, 2023
26a. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5735 (2nd of Hemshech in three parts), Class One. This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar that discusses Shmini; how it is connected (on the one hand); and is above being connected (on the other hand) to the levels that come after it. The Rebbe speaks of the numbers 8 and 10 and explains their levels; he then links the two to the two levels of ימות המשיח and עולם הבא; he explains what each means and that the former is linked to the number 8 and the latter to the number 10.
26a. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5735 (2nd of Hemshech in three parts), Class One.