09. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Nine (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).
Posted: April 26, 2023
09. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Nine (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023). The journey to the higher worlds also needs protection and the need to be more exact. Explanation: There’s a difference between the S’firos (also called נטיעות that are Godly) and the Malachim (angels, also called נבדלים). The difference is that the former is Godly and therefore perfect in an absolute way; the latter is a creation and can never be perfect. This inexactitude is compounded (get worse) as it descends to lower levels. This is part of the ‘struggle’ of the Davening (prayer) ascending heavenward. The class uses various examples from Malachim and some stories.