12. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Twelve.
Posted: May 4, 2023
12. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Twelve. This class continues exploring the words ולאתבא פולחנא דשמיא לאתרי’ וזיוי’ה ויקרי’ה ושכנתי’ה. This time we discussed the two aspects of reward Liasid עצמות and גילויים, that although עצמות is higher than גילויים; both aspects will be there. עצמות is the same for all Neshamos, while גילויים is individual. The reason for this is because Hashem wishes for the עצם to be revealed בדרך אור also. This is idea of פולחנא דשמייא (which means גילויים) to be revealed לאתרי’ה then also. And in three incremental steps: first זיו (Mimalei) then יקר (Sovev) and finally שכינה (which means עצמות here, based on how the Rebbe explains עיקר שכינה).
12. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Twelve.