27. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Seven.
Posted: June 9, 2023
27. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Seven. Perek 3, Class 9; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 1). Introduction: in abstract learning form is very important, and you must establish the form in order to discuss anything. In this Ma’amar, the form is that everything is included in three ideas: 1) Before work is the basic (natural) innate sense of God and subservience to Him. Mode Ani. 2) The work of life and developing this connection. Davening. 3) Transcending self (even the self that God made us to be!!!), this is Teshuva and this is the new topic.
27. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Seven.