37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)).
Posted: July 23, 2023
37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)). This is ‘the typical’ Masei Ma’amar, that until (עבר לירדן מזרחה) Moshiach comes (you enter into the ‘ארץ טובה ורחבה גו good and broad land etc.) we’re continuosly leaving Mitzrayim. This involves repeated journeying, and when it is done על פי השם (as explained in the last Ma’amar) each journey has a permanence. We have these 42 steps, 1) in each day of our lives, 2) throughout our lifetime,3) over the course of all of history, until Moshiach. At the end it is (briefly) connected to the Hemshech on the Possuk מעין גנים באר מים חיים ונוזלים מן לבנון.