
38a. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga, Class One.Perakim 1-5.Chapter One: The Haftorah of Shabbos Chazon is from Yeshaya which is all about salvation.Chapters Two and Three: Tziyon and Shaveha, two levels of the Neshama that are affected by the Churban and Galus quite differently, and both need redeeming.The differences between them...

38b. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga, Class Two.This class goes through until the end of the Ma’amar.Perek 6: why are Tziyon and Shaveha redeemed by Torah and Tzedaka respectively? Because Torah and Tziyon are the same (removed, transcendent, involved but unaffected by what it touches in the world). Perek 7: Tziyon...