40a. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga), Class One.
Posted: August 4, 2023
Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga), Class One. The first (of three) class(es) on this Ma’amar (based on the Ma’amar [Nachamu] of the Rebbe RaShaB (from שנת עת”ר which is 1910)) begins the “ביאור” (depth; innards) of the Ma’amar around the Possuk ויתרון ארץ בכל היא מלך לשדה נעבד. It offers three dimensions: 1) The creation, which in and of itself is perfect; and it’s two components: Gan Eden (called שדה) and the world (called ארץ). The world (created by a perfect Creator) [should be and] is perfect; ity is (afterwards) MADE imperfect through sin etc. through some actions and for some purpose. But by itself it is perfect (enough to be called on some level קיימא סיהרא באשלמותא it’s moon is full). On some level this perfection (of creation by itself) already has some level of אור חדש present (אור אין סוף שלתני הצמצום ששייך אלך העולמות). 2) A far higher perfection is added both to Gan Eden and the world through Avoda (of Torah and Mitzvos) which elevates everything. The world (ויתרון ארץ בכל היא) and Gan Eden (מלך לשדה נעבד). This is only complete when the world (ויתרון ארץ בכל היא) has the SAME perfection as Gan Eden (which is through מלך לשדה נעבד)- bringing כתר to חיצוניות המלכות akso. Thןד purpose of creation through Yiddishkeit, Torah and Mitzvos, adds an even higher perfection and a higher level of אור חדש that is beyond change to the creation.
Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga), Class One.