19a. Vayikach Korach 5714, Class One. This entire class is an introduction to ‘Ayin Bais’; from a Ma’amar class (5783/ 2023) This is an introductory class to the Ma’amar Vayikach Korach 5714, it warranted this introduction. Before ‘Ayin Bais’ the Ohr Hagvul (Kav, Mimalei) is through Tzimtzum; IN the Ayin Bais, Ohr Hagvul Kav etc. has it’s own source that is straight from Atzmus. Tha Kavana carries Elokus to Pnimiyus in a way that לא נגע בו הצמצום כלל. In earlier versions of this Ma’amar Korach is wrong now, but he will be right Liasid Lavo, in this Ma’amar he’s wrong always.