
03b. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734, Class Two.

03b. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734, Class Two.
Two kinds of love: A. limited and reasonable and commendable love, from Nefesh Elokis alone, through Hisbonenus; B. beyond reason or limit and you cannot command it only promise it (and it comes ‘by itself’ so to speak). The second love reveals lights from Tohu, which manifest as they are without regard for adaptability to Keilim. The second love includes the Nevesh HaBahamis also.
This sets up the more important idea that Gashmius has the highest source and in doing Mitzvos we release the higher superior lights of Tohu.
This begins Sukkos, with it’s Mitzvos; more precisely right after yom Kippur.
This is the reason for הללו את הוי’ כל גויים שבחוהו כל האומים they’re from Hashem which depends on us, depends on our doing Mitzvos which (the Maamar argues) begins right after Yom Kippur, and reveals the sparks from Tohu.
It seems to me that the Rebbe is speaking of Mivtzoyim in conjunction with (the war and) Sukkos (Lulav etc.).

03b. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734, Class Two.

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