05a. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class One.
Posted: October 13, 2023
05a. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class One. The Sukka (during Sukkos) has קדושת הגוף of a Korban! This is determined in the Gemara and brought in Halacha. As a result, for the seven days of the Yom Tov nothing has deeper sustained (even while not being used) holiness than any other Mitzvah. Though after the Chag it is like חפצא של מצוה and can be discarded. The mystical reason for this superior holiness is because it is a physical Mitzvah celebrated physically (eating and drinking more than through learning and Davening).
05a. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class One.