05b. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class Two.
Posted: October 14, 2023
05b. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class Two. The Rebbe now applies the same higher level of Kedusha he explained regarding the Sukkah to the 4 Minim. He explains that they are the source of the unique Simcha of Sukkos, and therefore have to have the extra Kedusha that facilitates this extra Simcha. He links it to the Achdus of each of the 4 Minim, (even before it is a Mitzvah) and explains that they reveal the Ayin in the Yesh. This Joy (of course) culminates Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah.
05b. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3), Class Two.