02b. Shuva Yisroel 5716, Class Two. 1) The second class on this Ma’amar discusses sinning and Teshuvah: 2) The sinner has compromised some part of שם הוי’ה (which the Rebbe explains in detail), 3) But Teshuva repairs this by going higher above שם הוי’ה -to the ‘Fifth Level’: Yechida. 4) The Rebbe explains the link between Vidui (that goes with Teshuva) and the idea of the fifth level. ארבע הידות and חמישית לפרעה. 5) He concludes the Ma’amar with the final point, that after one does Teshuva Teshuva return to daily living as a Jew following the sequence of mind, heart action. 6) This is connected to the end of Yom Kippur’s Avoda: שמע ישראל- Hisbonenus of Yichuda Ila’a, ברוך שם (3 times)- Yichuda Tata’a, ואהבת וגו’ בכל נפשך- feeling that fills the entire person and affects one’s actions in Torah and Mitzvos.