05a. Breishis 5716 (2nd of 2 in a Hemshech), Class One.
Posted: November 18, 2023
05a. Breishis 5716 (2nd of 2 in a Hemshech), Class One. This (first class one the) second Ma’amar in this Hemshech (which is reviewing the Hemshech from תשרי תרע”ו which is part of the המשך עין בי”ת) continues discussing דעת תחתון vs. דעת עליון or אין דיש הנברא vs. אין דיש האמיתי or יחודא עילאה vs. יחודא תתאה. Here these ideas are (continued to) being inserted into סדר השתלשלות with various levels representing both the lower and higher levels of דעת and יחוד and אין. 1) Creation vs. Elokus (Atzilus) 2) Malchus vs. Atzilus. 3) Atzilus vs. Chochma 4) Kesser and Pnimiyus HaKesser 5) Kesser (Chitzoniyus Atik) vs. Pnimiyus Atik. 6) [lastly and most importantly] Chitzoniyus vs. Pnimiyus HaKav. This last idea gets most of the Rebbe’s attention. Most of this class (and all of the next one) deal with this idea alone. He explores how the Chitzoniyus HaKav has a connection to Olomos and therefore cannot be the אין של היש האמיתי which exists only for itself. Yet Pnimiyus HaKav although it is the power behind the (manifesting of) the Chitzoniyus HaKav, still it can be the אין of the יש האמיתי.
05a. Breishis 5716 (2nd of 2 in a Hemshech), Class One.