12. Pada BiShalom (Vayeshev) 5734; 2nd part of Hemshech.
Posted: November 27, 2023
12. Pada BiShalom (Vayeshev) 5734; 2nd part of Hemshech. This Ma’amar continues from the previous (19 Kislev) Ma’amar. It reviews the two ideas discussed there: A. Pada BiShalom is three levels Peace (Torah) Sword of peace (Tefilla) and War (Tzedaka, Mitzvos). B. the idea that when one is on the level of Toraso Umnaso, all three (Tefilla and Mitzvos as well) are all on the level of Shalom (Peace). C. (But then) this class adds a third idea. Even in Torah and Shalom and Shalom of Toraso Umnaso there are levels. It culminates with the (Shalom of) Torah of Moshiach.