
16a. Tzidkas Pirzono and Basi Legani 5724 (together), Class One, the Ma’amar Tzidkas Pirzono 5724.This Ma’amar (the prefix to Basi Legani 5724) is based on the Ma’amar said at the Rebbe’s Sheva Brachos by the Frierdike Rebbe.It discusses the idea that the Galus and it’s challenges that reveals the deepest levels of the Neshama.The אוצר...

17b. Basi Legani 5724, Class One.This class on Perek 1 of the Ma’amar Basi Legani 5724, which encompasses five pages of the Ma’amar. It is the review of the 13 Perakim until Perek 14 of the original Basi Legani (5710). The purpose of creation is to make this entire world into a home for Hashem...

17c. Basi Legani 5724, Class Two.This is the first class that explains Perek 14.He explores two points.Point One: the idea that creation happens through ואתה which the Taya explains to mean אותיות מא’ עד ת’ וה’ מוצאות הפה, the Rebbe explains that this means creation through Tzimtzum (concealment).Point Two: another point from Tanya (Shaar HaYichud...

17d. Basi Legani 5724, Class Three.The idea that אין סוף למטה עד אין תכלית includes (even) the lowest Klipos and even the Klipos created by man through sin explained here.1) The ChaZaL says that Hashem gives life to all מקרני ראמים עד ביצי כינים which the Rebbe explains represents the highest level of Kesser (קרני...

17e. Basi Legani 5724, Class Four.This (very) long class is on Perakim 6-7 of the Ma’amar of 5724.The other side of אור אין סוף (in addition to being למטה עד אין תכלית, that it is everywhere to create and give life) is that it isn’t touched by the environments it is involved with at all,...

17f. Basi Legani 5724, Class FiveThis class is on Perek 8 of the Basi Legani 5724.It deals with the third characteristic of Ein SOf in it’s relationship to the worlds, that אינו מתערב it doesn’t get entangled. He brings the Zohar אין קדוש כהוי’ה that says כמה קדישין אינון ואין קדוש כהוי’ה that is both...

17g. Basi Legani 5724, Class Six.End of the Ma’amar.Otzar is higher than אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית on the highest level. Because Otzar is hidden and Ohr Ein Sof is (the idea of) Gilui.It is revealed when there is war that reaches in and pulls out from within the Yid...