
01. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class One.Perek 2, Class 1.Introduction to the year and the Ma’amar.Two schools of (theological) thought: Chakira (Jewish Philosophy) and Kabbalah.There are many deep differences between the two schools of thought, one of the most important ones is the question of Elokus, Godliness. Chakira holds of no such idea and ALL of...

02. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Two.Perek 2, Class 2.Godliness.Atzilus- Mehus (knowing Substance of Godliness); BiY”A- Metzius (knowing OF God but not understanding what He is intimately). 02. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Two.

04. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Four.Perek 2, Class 4.Further discussion on the difference between Atzilus (representing Hashem) and BiY”A.Tzelem (צורה עצמית reflecting the source in a living way), Demus (צורה מצורה secondary form that reflects Elokus inexactly).Three levels: 1) גילויי הנפש and 2) כחות הנפש and 3) לבושי הנפש. 04. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Four.

05. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Five.Perek 2, Class 5. לבוש המיוחד vs. לבוש הנפרד Inside. Reflecting the Source (the light) precisely and intimately. 05. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Five.

06. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Six.Perek 2, Class 6. BR_SMNR_MMRM_84

07. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Seven.Perek 3, Class 01.

08. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Eight.Perek 3, Class 02. 08. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Eight.

09. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Nine.Perek 3, Class 03. 09. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Nine.

10. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Ten.Perek 4, Class 01. 10. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Ten.

11. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Eleven.Perek 4, Class 02. BR_SMNR_MMRM_84

12. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twelve.Perek 4, Class 03. 12. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twelve.

13. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Thirteen.Perek 4, Class 04. 13. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Thirteen.

14. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Fourteen.Perek 4, Class 05. This class review the three Perakim (2-4), the idea that Atzilus reveals Ein Sof and as such serves the Ein Sof utterly. This is why it represents Ein Sof as well as it does because it has no purpose other than to reveal Godliness.Perek 5, Class...

16. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Sixteen.[Class 15 didn’t record, we’re sorry about it, but there’s nothing we can do to retrieve it].Perek 5, Class 03.Review the two Bittuls in Atzilus (called Yichuda [Tata’a and Yichuda] Ila’a. (1) Atzilus reveals (2) Atzilus is nothing next to EIn Sof. Perek 2, Class 07. אין סוף למעלה עד...

17. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Seventeen.Perek 2, Class 07.The question: how can an idea of unity (אין סוף) have two separate characteristics? The proposal that it has to do with the different worlds is refuted. The question is resumed.Perek 6, Class 01. The second (sustained) answer is that there’s the quality of Helem (למטה עד...

18. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Eighteen.Perek 2, Class 08.Perek 6, Class 02. The middle idea (between Helem (Bittul of Yichuda Ila’a of Atzilus) and Gilui (BiY”A)) which is the Gilui (lower Bittul) of Atzilus is in between the two levels.Conclusion: the Gilui of Atzilus is part of the lower level (Gilui) of EIn Sof not...

19. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Nineteen.Tangent. A question is addressed that interrupts the learning: isn’t all this discussion on Godliness complicated, what would otherwise be a simple relationship with Hashem. 19. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Nineteen.

20. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty.Perek 07, Class 01.There is both למעלה מעלה עד אין קץ and למטה מטה עד אין תכלית both in the lowest worlds and the highest worlds (after Tzimtzum). 20. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty.

21. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty One.Perek 07, Class 02.1) review2) There’s למטה עד אין תכלית even to the אור הקו. 21. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty One.

22. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Two.Perek 07, Class 03.1) Review2) After Tzimtzum Kav; Lifnei HaTzimtzum3) Sovev in lower worlds (also) Lima’ala. 22. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Two.

23. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Three.Perek 07, Class 04.1) Review2) Lecture. Tzimtzum, what it means3) Maor, the SOurce and it’s disconnect from the concept of Tzimtzum4) 3 levels of Ohr before Tzimtzum. 23. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Three.

24. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Four.Perek 07, Class 05.Even בי”ע has aspect of למעלה עד אין תכלית 24. Ma’amar Vinacha 5714, Class Twenty Four.