
16. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class One.Page 19-20.Question: how can Atzilus be (considered high enough to be) Da’as Elyon?Because of Dvaikus.

17. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Two.[Now that we explained how Atzilus is Da’as Elyon, we turn our attention to the other half of the equation and ask] how can Malchus be Da’as Tachton?Beginning of the answer requires and introduction of three ideas, each one deeper (and more separated from its source) than the one before:...

18. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Three.Page 21-22.[First of the three ideas: אור] Ohr is all about revelation, but it reveals the surface (of it’s source) not the depth.Four ideas about Ohr are explained.1) reveals Etzem2) has no Kavana (purpose for being other than representing Etzem).3) Isn’t forced (because that would make Ohr separate from the...

19. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Four.Page 22.[Second of the three ideas: שם (Part 1)] Names in Torah and how significant they are. The Alter Rebbe’s addition in the Sha’ar HaYichud VihaEmuna.Names aren’t the essence of life,, but they conduct life and bring it forward from the Nefesh. 19. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Four.

20. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Five.Page 22-23.[Second of the three ideas: שם (Part 2)]Comparing (and contrasting) אור and שם using תורה שבכתב and תורה שבעל פה as a form. 20. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Five.

21. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Six.Page 23.[Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 1)]Malchus is so far removed from the Etzem, which means that its’ source in Atzmus is so high, that the רוממות העצמי is actually the עצם itself. It has no form (“כח”) other than it is His OWN רוממות!! 21. Anochi Anochi...

22. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Seven.Page 23-24.[Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 2)]In the last class we explained that רוממות as it is in Atzmus IS Atzmus. However, when Malchus emerges AS A MIDA it is a מציאות and a כח which later becomes a פועל.In this class added (inside the Ma’amar) that Malchus...

23. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Eight.Page 24-26.[Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 3)].The Rebbe RaShaB further develops the idea of Malchus by finding instances where מלכות is called שם (though this Ma’amar distinctly separates שם from מלכות). To explain this he develops the idea of names (that relate to character traits) [שמות ותוארים]. They...

24. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Nine.Page 24, 27-28.[Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 4)].The Rebbe explains here how Malchus can be called שם though they are different.The Chitzoniyus of Atzilus (the supernal equivalent of שם הפעולה) can be called Malchus, or Malchus can be called שם on this level. 24. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class...

25. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Ten.Page 24, 27-28.[Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 5)].End of the discussion on why Malchus can be Da’as Tachton [and why Atzilus can be Da’as Elyon]. 25. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Ten.

26. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Eleven.Page 19, 28-29.Beginning and end of the Ma’amar. The idea that there may be a Pegam even in Da’as Elyon because the Hisbonenus of Da’as Tachton is linked to the Hisbonenus of Da’as Elyon, thus what happens in Da’as Tachton (pegam) affects Da’as Elyon.Thus even Da’as Elyon also may need...