
11b. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Two.

11b. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Two.
[This class is very long and complicated, I’m sorry]
This second (od four) class(es) on this Ma’amar deals with learning and understanding and contemplating what we learned (about Hashem) until we have some kind of feel for the Godliness.
However this is on the level of חיצוניות המוחין והמדות the ideas and emotions are lower (more מציאותדיק -with form-) and as such lower, and mutually exclusive (you cannot reason and feel at the same time).
This is the step of Davening of פסוקי דזימרא where we involve our ‘heart and mind’.
The BODY of the class is about what one contemplates: the idea of creation יש מאין (ex-nihilo).
Step One: ההיכרח לענין יש מאין the creation must be this way because of the nature of what creation is (formed, complex (made of smaller and smaller parts) it has to have a source hidden from ut.
Step Two: אופן התהוות יש מאין it happens on the one hand through הבדלה only remote and a distant ‘hand’ of the Creator cna create יש מאין; on the other hand His creation must be intimate (התלבשות כח הפועל בנפעל) for the creation of this truly separated world to MATTER to Him.

11b. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Two.

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